Should we name new kitty Jax or Fivel?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

To cap off my 2 week vacation, I planned a girls-only trip to Vegas. I found a $45/night promotion for the Monte Carlo online, and further justified the idea because Southwest has direct flights from Vegas to Dulles. Mom was in pretty much before I even told her my idea. I called my best vacation-going-friend Kaelinn (I've been on more family vacations with her than I have with my own brother,) and she was in. We knew aunt Jeri would need no coaxing either, so we had our foursome set.

I really can't put into words how much fun I had in 72 hours. Lots of Diet Coke, late nights laughing, people watching and penny slots later, I knew we had to make this a tradition: every two years we plan to meet up again.

These are just a few photos; the rest are here

Berta with her first of many Diet Cokes; she knows how to get the party started.

Already giggling on the strip.

Enjoying the dry heat (oh, how I miss it!)--laying out by the pool, then jumping into the lazy river/wave pool to cool off. So nice!

My first plate of dessert at the Orleans. Desserts in shot glasses = ingenious!

McDonald's at 2:30 am...

...then In-N-Out for lunch 12 hours later.

Making "mixed drinks" at the 7-11. Jeri had a hard time deciding...I think she ended up with a Diet Coke/Diet Mt. Dew/lemon/cherry concoction.

Probably the only sober people on the strip at 2:00 matching tshirts.

My bestest friend from the LC days.

I feel so lucky to have these ladies in my life. Until 2011...

1 comment:

The Hawkins said...

How fun. I am sure you were the only sober people on the strip at 2 am because I know you, probably were not very convincing you were sober. Looks like a fun tradition.